Kali ini gw cuma mo share beberapa gambar super random yang 'dalem' menurut gw. Orang-orang yang pake BB pasti uda sering liat sih mustinyaa.. (Pesan moral dari tiap gambar bisa berbeda bagi masing-masing orang, biarkan gw mencoba menjelaskan pesan moral apa yang gw tangkap, kalo kalian ada pesan moral yang beda, boleh di share :)
1. Perbedaan cara pandang
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Jangan suka ngotot anggep diri sendiri yang paling bener. Perspekstif yang kita liat belom tentu sama dengan perspektif orang lain. Try to put your shoes at other's
2. Kecenderungan manusia
Jangan selalu santai-santai dan cuma mau bergantung dengan orang lain. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on..
(btw, ini desainnya bagus ya, so creative! :D)
3. Cobaan hidup
4. Daya juang dan keyakinan
5. Kecenderungan mengeluh
6. Things you ought to have everyday, everytime
The last but not least,
Have You Smile Today? :D
Ada yang ga ngerti perbedaan pertanyaan antara did you smile today dan have you smile today? Sebenernya gw ga berniat memberikan sesi tutoring english disini saat ini, cuma yah karena gw lagi murah hati dan ada hal yang pas, let me give u a simple explanation.
Have you smile today? -> present perfect
Did you smile today?-> Past tense
In this context,
Present perfect is talking about something / event that haven't finished. It still HAVE possibility that the thing / event will occur next time.
Past tense is talking about something / event that finished in the past.
BOTH are asking about something that ever in your life.
Remember! This explanation only useful for this kind of sentence yah, coz actually there are many functions for each tenses, so it depends the pattern and meaning of the sentence.
Have u ever gone to Bali? -> CORRECT. (because u haven't die yet, so u still have the chance to go to Bali)
Did u ever go to Bali? -> FALSE. (because u haven't die yet)
Did u see Titanic? -> CORRECT (because Titanic doesn't exist anymore, so u don't have a chance to see it next time)
Back to the statement: did you smile today and have you smile today. Both are correct, but still have difference.
Did you smile today -> when u read it on about 12am (it almost the end of the day, so u don't have any chance to smile on the day anymore)
Have you smile today -> u read it earlier than 12 am? (LOL)
May this 'sisipan' be useful for improving your english skill :D
yes your 'sisipan' help me.. lol nice nice.. hahaha
hahah thanks. but it is my sotoi actually. I just relating my knowledge with that 2 sentences. Wish it is correct. Lol!
dameeeeeeeeee, wo yiwei ni gaosu de shi cong TOEFL BNEC lol
no, this is from uncle JC, do u remember him? our native speaker when we were high school. hahaha..
he described about the sentences of have ever gone to Bali and Titanic. And i think this pattern is works for that sentences as well. Lol
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