Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Trip #2: Don't Walk, Keep Run! Running Man!

Hy, it's been a long time since the last post I said I wanna post a several posts, but in fact, I just posted 1 post. Lol! Ok, to fulfill my promise, I wanna post the next trip now. It was another fun trip with my best friends. How I love every moment I spend with my bestie.. It was Running Man!!

Dicky found an event organizer that organize a Running Man games. We had already booked it for 16th March, but it had been cancelled by the EO exactly one day before, after we fully paid it! What the.. So we postponed it until we passed the mid test and tried to found the other schedule. Finally we got the schedule on 9 May 2013 (postpone for 2 months, graow)

We had a trouble at the time of departure. We planned we met at 8am and there were be 3 cars. 9 May was Ascension day of Jesus Christ, btw.. So I went to the church on 6am and got home on 7.30, did some preparation and met up on 8. But stupid Dicky, he was overslept and just woke up when Indra came to his home. It was almost 8. And the worse thing happened when he realized that his car was been driven by his Dad! Since then, we change our plan and crammed on only two small cars for 12 people. Hmm..

As mentioned, our members was 12 people, 4 women and 8 men. So we was divided as 4 teams, each team had 1 woman and 2 men. And it was start:

1. We met the EO and they split us by gender. Women followed A, and men followed B. Me and other 4 friends, they were Jejeng, Vira and Dana, walked to the beach (we played in Ancol) and stopped on a spot. Then we should play "Scissor, Paper and Rock game" and the loser would be left there. I got the bad feeling, and yea, I was the first loser. So I was stopped on the first stop and they continued walk along the beach. Since we were 4 person, it had 4 stops. And what we should to do, we just need to play a "hide and seek" from the men. It was awkward. A girl with a tiny backpack, looks confused and looking around with cautious attitude. So I decided to hide in female toilet! Hahaha!!
I though the game was started. Because in the real Running Man, there was a game that the member should hide for about 30 min and if they didn't get caught, they will get the running ball. So I stay in toilet, chatting with my other 3 friends (asking each conditions) for more than 1 HOURS! Luckily the toilet was clean. Finally, I gave up and show myself to the public. And the men who found me were also too exhausted to be happy. We just greet each other and walked slowly to the EO (no chasing scenes).
And to be disappointed, the game hadn't started yet. It was the way how they divided us to 4 groups. The men who found the girl will be one group. Damn! We were tired even before the game starts.

2.  We get our early-lunch -- this part is not important to be described. Lol!

3. First game, finally. Every girls need to demonstrate without a sound, and the men had to guess. Sounds easy? Ok, we must demonstrate and guess about indonesian proverb!! And my team was the loser (again). Hahahaaa

4. Second game, The man should carry a woman on the shoulder, walked up to the the prescribed point, then move her to a second man. The woman can't step on the ground during the transfer process. Then the second man walked back to the other prescribed point. They looking for the team who can finished it less than 20 seconds! (if im not wrong) Hell. But finally, my team was the fastest team! We finished it just about 17 second. B)

But we had played it for three times to be the winner. Hahaha.. We had fallen in the second chance. It felt a little itchy when I fell on the grass, and my legs were cramping. Ckck..

5. Third game. This is the most 'gaje' game. I dont know how to describe this game, but believe me, this game wasn't fun at all but my team win this game.

6. And we came to the last game. (See, we waited for 2 months and just playing this very very short game. huh. However they promised us to give us more games for the previous cancellation. the EO is not professional enough, seriously). It was the time when we need to pull off another participant nametag. And stupid my leg, it cramping very hard when we want to start the last session. So my team waited for about 5 minutes then we start the game. This part was so silly yet exhausting. Everybody looks so brutal and there were some mission to attack one team first, and some betrayers were appear during this section.

We play hard. We got our white t-shirt so dirty by the dirt. We chasing. We laughing. And everybody enjoy the games.
Btw, like on the real Running Man, there would be the last part when we should take a draw by our running ball. And again, my team was the loser! What happen to my luck that day! Although we got 3 running ball. Damn. Kevin should wore hot pant, me a frizzy colourful wig, Fery wore bridal headbands. We should found 5 people to take a photo with us, and that's it..

I should have more quality times with my lovely best friends.. Hahaha.. Some of our photos:

After the last game. Exhausted faces are all around

Me and Jejeng - before the game
Me and Jejeng - after the game

My Running Man Outfit

Friday, 10 May 2013

Trip #1: Kampung Wisata Cinangneng - Bogor

Oke, kita bahas topik jalan2-jalan dulu aja yaaa.. Hihih.. Soalnya topik ini biasanya hangat di hati kalo abis dijalanin, kalo uda lama jadi males diulas.. Jadi ceritanya gw bergabung dengan international buddy (selanjutnya dikenal dengan iBuddy) untuk periode tahun ini. Kerjaannya adalah menjadi buddy untuk anak-anak luar yang lagi study exchange ke binus. Hohoh.. Dan buddy gw adalah anak Thailand. Jreng jreng..

Sejujurnya pas awal pertama gw dibilang bakal datang selusin anak Thai, gw berharap sedikit semoga ada yang seganteng Mario Maureer. Yah terlalu muluk emang gw, ga usa seganteng dia dehh, cuma yang penting sedap dipandang. Walau gw sangsi, karena setau gw orang-orang Thai 11-12 sama orang Indonesia. Dan ternyata benar saja.. Anak Thai-nya standar semua ga ada yang seganteng P'Shone.. Hahahaa.. Tapi itu bukan masalah. Mereka baik dan sopan, enak diajak ngobrol, that's all. Itu hal dasar paling utama untuk menjadi teman gw. Hahaha..

Setelah mereka di Binus selama 3 bulan, dan kami baru saja sama-sama melewati masa-masa suram (re: UTS), maka kami diberi kesempatan untuk jalan-jalan ke Bogor.. Yuhu.. Total rombongan kami kurang lebih ada 40 orang, mulai dari anak-anak Indonesia, anak Thai, dan anak-anak luar seperti Prancis, Jerman dan Canada. Well, i'm so proud to become a Binusian \(^.^)/ . Psst, orang dari Canadanya ganteng banget loh sungguh!!

Jadi tempat bertemu kami di Binus Square jam 9 dan setelah semua komplit, kami meluncur ke Bogor, untuk ikut program "Poelang Kampoeng" di Kampung Wisata Cinangneng, Bogor, FREE! hahahaa.. (free dari binus ya, bukan dari Cinangnengnya). Dan program ini sangat menyenangkan loh kegiatan-kegiatannya, cuma sayangnya terlalu terburu-buru tiap sesinya, jadi gw kurang puas.. Plus lagi, dengan ada acara kaya begini, bener-bener improve my chinese and english skill. Tapi terutama chinese sih. Soalnya bener-bener sulit menemukan lawan bicara berbahasa mandarin kalo di kehidupan sehari-hari. Hahaha..

1. Learn to play Angklung & sing Sundanense song
Pas pertama kami datang, kami semua langsung mulai diajarin main angklung. Semua warga Indonesia pasti tau apa itu angklung, yang ga tau silakan cek disini, tapi yg gw share web-nya pake english. Hahaha.. Pengetahuan yang gw dapat untuk main angklung adalah, cara pegang angklung yang benar adalah tangan kiri di diletakan angka 1 (bambu yang lebih tinggi pojok atas), tangan kanan di angka 2 (bambu yang lebih pendek pojok bawah). Tangan kiri fungsinya hanya memegang dan menahan angklung, sedangkan tangan kanan yang berfungsi menggoyangkan angklung biar tercipta nada yang diinginkan. 
Angklung hanya ada 8 buah, dari do rendah sampai do tinggi, sehingga kalo butuh re tinggi sampai selanjutnya, caranya mudah, gunakan tangan kiri untuk menahan daerah yang digarisi hijau (nomor 3), sehingga yang bunyi hanya bambu yang lebih pendek.

Kami main lagu "Rayuan Pulau Kelapa" dan "Tokecang" dengan angklung ini. Ada 2 cewek Prancis yang super semangat. Setiap kali sampai di nada angklung bagian mereka, mereka sontak langsung menggoncangkan angklung dengan penuh semangat sampe satu badan bergetar. Lol! Terus kami juga belajar lagu sunda yang gw lupa judul maupun nadanya. heheh..

2. Learn to play Gamelan & painting a farmers hat
Berbeda dengan angklung yang bentuknya sama semua cuma beda ukuran, gamelan terdiri dari bermacam-macam jenis. Pelajaran yang ini kurang seru karena kami hanya disuru memainkan 2 nada yang diulang-ulang nonstop sampe bosen. Krik krik..
Lanjut langsung ke painting a farmers hat. Kami diberikan masing-masing sebuah topi dan diberikan waktu 15 menit untuk menghias topi kami. Topi ini ada 3 fungsi. Kalau untuk lelaki, digunakan untuk menghalangi sinar matahari pas di sawah. Kalau untuk wanita, digunakan untuk mencuci beras dan menanak nasi.
Ini adalah dekor kilat topi buatan gw :3

3. Learn to make puppet from cassava leaves
Ini cukup kreatif loh. Sayangnya gw males menjabarkan caranya yang cukup kompleks disini. Bahkan saat gw mau mamerin hasil karyanya, gw ga punya fotonya. Hahahaa.. Abisnya waktu itu gw pikir bakal foto pas uda sampe rumah aja. Taunya gw sengaja melupakan hasil karya gw dan tergeletak di meja makan disana.. Jadi akhirnya gw ambil foto puppet buatan temen gw aja yaa.. hahahaha.. Sayang foto ini tampak depan sehingga kepalanya ga kliatan, padahal lebih indah kalo tampak dari samping.

4. Learn to make a traditional cookies called bugis & traditional drink called wedang jahe
Ini juga lumayan menarik, cuma gw tetep males jelasin disini. Gampang kok cek gugel pasti ketemu deh ya caranya. Hihih.. Pokonya yang aga menarik di sesi ini adalah, temen gw harus sibuk menerjemahkan ke Inggris penjelasan si teteh (panggilan untuk wanita yang lebih tua) yang menjelaskan kepada para anak-anak luar negeri yang kebetulan sekelompok sama gw tentang tata cara pembuatannya. Yah, forget to mention, kami dibagi menjadi 4 grup selama sesi ini dan gw kebetulan sekelompok sama temen-temen Indonesia 3 orang dan sisanya segerombolan geng cewek Prancis yang cantik-cantik (sayang kulitnya banyak noda), 2 orang cewek Thailand, dan seorang cewek Jerman.

5. Tour Kampoeng (visit some home industries)
Nah yang menarik dari kampung wisata ini, mereka bekerja sama dengan perkampungan warga sekitar, sehingga salah satu program "Poelang Kampoeng" ini memungkinkan para wisatawan untuk berkunjung langsung ke kampung tempat tinggal warga dan melihat mereka yang buka home industry. Ada yang jualan tas, dompet, keset kaki, sampai kerajinan tangan seperti obor, miniatur, dan enggrang dari batok kelapa. Harganya murah banget karena langsung dari tangan pertama. Katanya, kalo uda masuk ke pasar diluar, harganya bisa naik sampe 3x lipet!

6. Learn to plant rice, crossing river & washing buffalo
Gw skip kegiatan di sesi ini dengan hanya menonton. Abisnya gw males membasahi dan mengotori kaki. Kebetulan gw bukan satu-satunya orang yang ga ikut dalem sesi ini kok. Hahaha.. 

And finally kita duduk setelah capek seharian. Ngobrol2, gosip2, dan pastinya foto2..
Me and Nuray (my iBuddy)

Ini dia si bule Canada ganteng. (Gw nemu di album foto tmn gw. Lol) - Boom - Song

Angel dengan senyum lebarnya sampe matanya segaris. Lol!!

Rombongan Indo - Thai
candid by May

where am I looking for?? :s
Me - Le (Nuray's nickname) - Angel
Angel - Me

Btw, kemarinnya iBuddy gw (Le) baru pulang dari Bandung, dan dia kasih gw oleh2.. Nah yang menarik, salah satu dari oleh-oleh dia adalah coklat hias yang yang dibentuk bagus gitu.. Dana dikasih coklat bentuk doraemon, katanya gara-gara dana mirip sama doraemon. Dan dengan mengambil prinsip yang sama, gw seharusnya dikasih coklat yang 'dikira' mirip sama gw donggg.. And what I get from my buddy? Coklat bentuk Princess!! HAHAHAHA.. Oke, sekian sebelom diprotes..

May Recently Update

Oh men men men.. It's so long long time i've never written something again here. Don't know what happen, but nowadays I feel I lose my self control. Finally I come to the condition when I feel 24 hours is not enough to do my works. God, what happen to me?! 

I had decided to post several topics actually, but never really do it until now. Hahaa.. So maybe i'll write some posts directly, now. Hmm.. So this is my first post, I wanna tell some of my recently updates.
1. I've already passed my mid exam for this term, and it was bad. This is the worst test i have ever passed since study in my university. I was too lazy for this term, and spent a lot of time to play hard. Hmm.. and when it was coming to the exam weeks, I repeated this words almost everyday, "I know this is my fault, i will never do this again. Never. Ever. Do. This. Again. Anymore." Huff..
I struggling to read all of my modules, and even did NOT sleep all night to study. It was my first experience (not sleeping over the day to study) and I was too panic, so however I spent all night to study, nothing could be remembered by me. Lol.. and for the first time on my life, i got 77 as my score. Dont know how  to react, sad (coz this is my worst score ever) but grateful (coz I though I could only got around 50, lol).
2. Other bad news, my lovely old handphone was lost. Badly to say, it happened during the exam weeks and it make my  pressure increase to be double. Hiks.. I dont know how it can be lost, so.. rest in peace my sony ericsson, wish u'll get a better boss, or we can meet again oneday, I wish. In addition, this also my first experience lose handphone loh..

That's all my recent update for now. I wish I can get a good score my other subjects, can make my life better and be a better person. I'm going to write 2 random topics (something like motivation stuff) and 2 topics about my fun-trip soon. Wait yaa.. :D