Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Scrapbook scrapbook

Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk segala sesuatu bukan? Makanya sekarang gw mo publish what have i done to my friend, Mery Megawaty. Kemarin pas bulan agustus seorang teman gw berulang tahun, dan seriusan dia itu beruntung banget ulang tahun pas gw lagi liburan super panjang. Karena fengsui ultah dia yang bagus, yaitu saat gw lagi ga ada kerjaan nan nganggur, maka gw memberikan hadiah yang luar biasa, scrapbook!

Ini adalah pertama kalinya gw bikin sesuatu yang indah untuk orang laen, biasanya gw bikin buat diri gw sendiri, ups! Kenapa si meri bisa beruntung dapet scrapbook dari gw? Karena 2 alesan:
1. dia ultah pas gw lagi libur sehingga gw nganggur dan punya banyak waktu buat bikin scrapbook ini.
2. gw tau kalo dia itu tipe anak yang cukup sweet dan menghargai kerja keras keringat gw. (soalnya dulu gw pernah buat scrapbook buat temen gw yang kurang sweet, dan reaksi dia pas liat kurang memuaskan batin gw. Hello, gw uda cape, lu setidaknya wajib ngomong WAW. seriusan ini bukan gw jayus apa lebai, tapi seorang yang uda bikinin lu scrapbook itu butuh muka lebai-senyum sumringah sambil ngomong WAW dan terima kasih).
Lucky girl! Once again, u such a SUPER DUPER LUCKY GIRL! Gw bahkan sirik sama lu karena kenapa gw bisa begitu baek sama lu. HAHAHAHA..

Jatuh bangunnya pembuatan scrapbook ini yaitu saat:
1. Gw salah edit sehingga gw harus mulai dari awal (gw edit pk photoscape, jadinya kalo salah agak sulit di edit.)
2. Saat gw ga menemukan background yang sesuai dengan keinginan gw
3. Saat gw menemukan foto meri di facebook yang SUPER SEDIKIT. Seriusan ini cukup buat gw pendarahan karena kekurangan foto, padahal semua juga tau kalo scrapbook bahan dasarnya adalah foto. Makanya itu banyak banget foto yang diulang2 saking bingungnya gw mo dapet foto darimana lagi. ckckc!
4. Saat gw bosen dan males lanjutin. Yah gw tipe orang yang gampang bosen dan males. Jadi biasanya saat semangat muncul, gw bisa melahap semua pekerjaan dalam satu waktu, karena sekali males, langsung ogah bikin. Sampe gw sempet mikir, aduh uda ga jadi kasih scrapbook deh, beli jadi aja.. Cuma sayang yah uda setengah jadi, akhirnya gw lanjutin. hahaha..

Dan setelah membuang banyak waktu muda gw, akhirnya scrapbook ini officially done on 24 September 2012.
(gw tau itu telat banget. lama pas print sama jilidnya, soalnya gw print kan butuh di kampus, sedang masuk kampus baru tanggal berapa. hehehe)
So, here is it.. *drum rolling*
Scrapbook full of love by Reina yang masih banyak kecacatan di beberapa tempat. Hohoho..
[Gw salah nulis nama dia (lagi) bahkan di dalem scrapbook, but who cares? Lol]

Handmade Cover (it spent almost 1 day to make this! sambil nonton sih.. :p)

It should be "Mery MegawatY"

A little mistake, I type double "kindness" there. XP

Finger Friendship

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Salju Kelabu

Tuhan selalu memiliki alasan atas semua peristiwa yang ia berikan
Manusia selalu memiliki alasan atas apa yang ia ambil dan lakukan
Sayang kita tidak pernah tau alasan setiap orang dibalik perbuatannya
Kita tak pernah tau apa rencana di balik semua yang terjadi

Semua merasa santai dan mengacuhkan hal kecil
Bagaikan manusia masih dapat hidup selama seribu tahun lagi
Perlahan semuanya memburuk bagai bulatan salju yang menggemuk

Kesempatan diberikan kepada orang-orang terpilih dibuang begitu saja
Bagaikan semua kesempatan itu tidak ada harganya.
Ada, barangkali seperak

Badai salju mulai berhembus dengan kencang
Seorang anak terjatuh terhempas tak berdaya
Kawanku menyemangatiku untuk keluar menolongnya
Sedangkan mereka menungguku di dalam dengan secangkir coklat hangat di tangan

Aku berteriak meminta tolong, tetapi semua hanya tertawa
Apakah aku harus keluar dan melawan badai sendirian?
tanpa jaminan kami berdua akan selamat
Atau lebih baik aku juga meringkuk di balik selimut hangat
dan menikmati indahnya salju kelabu ini?

Monday, 17 September 2012

Happy Birthday!

Another year has passed
We are all going be older, day by day
But keep our spirit be younger, day by day
Our smile, our laugh
 Our stupid silly things
Our juvenile, our delinquent
Our funny jokes till the crunchy jokes
All the irreplaceable memories
that will always keep in mind

Hello, jadi hari Minggu tanggal 16 September kemarin gw baru saja merayakan ulang tahun yang ke 20. Berbeda dengan tahun2 sebelumnya dimana gw cukup antusias menyambut detik2 hari spesial itu, tahun ini gw ga gitu bersemangat. Kenapa? Karena itu adalah detik2 terakhir gw sebagai the cute teenager. (Hohoho!) Ohh tidakk!! Belom lagi diperparah kondisi badan gw yang kurang fit pada hari2 itu (dari tgl 15-16), dan harus kembali berkuliah besoknya (hari ini tanggal 17), makin ga banget yah. Hahaa.. But the special thing will always keep as the special things.

For this 20th Birthday of mine, i really wanna say thanks for all my buddies that have congratulated me (both on 16-17 sept, some of them are late to congrats me, ckck! But the worse thing, some of my friends that i think they must be remember my bday, they forget at all and haven't congratulate me until now! #no mention, Lol)
I really appreciate some of my friends that had competing be the first who congratulate me, however they are fail. hahahah, once again, no mention :p 
I really appreciate for some of my friends that i never think they know my bdae, but they do know and congratulate me..
I really appreciate for some of my friends that was busy for a whole day yesterday, or didn't have credit so they couldn't congratulate me on time. At least you all have congratulated me on as I write this blog. :)
And I really appreciate for some of my bestie that had came to my house, making something sweet to celebrate my birthday. You are so sweetttt :*
Thank You Guys :D

And like the previous years, they always have a creative idea to give me a mini-heart-attack-gift/surprise. I think i've ever shared before, but let me tell again.
2008 SMA 2
Diomelin pas pelajaran b.ind, padahal gw dijebak untuk ngobrol pas pelajaran! Sayang surprise yg ini aga gatot karena ada kesalahan teknis. But it was touched as the other :)
2009  SMA 3
Diceburin Gw menceburkan diri ke kolam Grand Tropic setelah dipaksa mo diceburin. Padahal gw ga bisa berenang dan paling takut disuru loncat mendadak ke air, maka gw memutuskan untuk cebur sendiri aja. (bego gw tau, so what. wkwk). Waktu itu kami lagi photoshoot buat bikin YB

2010  Univ smt 1
Pasukan penjebak yg gagal (lagi) karena pas mereka minta ijin ma nyokap buat ksh surprise, gw PAS disebelahnya lagi denger. Gw diiket dan dizolimi dengan lipstik. Iihyuhh~
Kado jebakan (ada 2 tipe kado: kado jebakan mini-heart-attact; dan kado asli) yg ini hina: softex, vitacimin, kartu domino, sabun batangan, obat apa gw juga ga tau, pensil cabung pasang anak SD.

2011 Univ smt 3
Yang ini mereka berhasil mengangetkan (akhirnya ada yg berhasil jg yaowo).. Tepat gw uda mandi dan beberapa jam lg mw ngajar, pasukan penghancur rumah dan dandanan gw. Akhirnya kita orang rame2 dan buru2 bersihin rumah. Hasilnya: gw ngajar dengan rambut lengket dan masih bau krim kue. Ckck!
Kado 'kreatif' ini adalah: berbagai sayur mayur dan buah-buahan yang baru saja dipanen di ladang ibu bapak tani.

We really like this photo so much. Sanni's laugh was so beatify! :D
2012 Univ Smt 5
Kali ini mereka lebih sweet dengan buatin gw lilin bentuk love (foto paling atas di postingan). Tapi sayang kualitas foto yang ultah kali ini kurang bagus, cuma daripada ga ada kenangan yah. Heheh..

Dan semuanya ga lengkap tanpa kado 'kreatif'nya bukan? Maka mini-heart-attack-gift apa kali ini? jreng jreng *drum rolling*

Itu pakaian dalam-kaos kaki bekas

Yah walaupun kalian itu menjijikan (no protes), tapi kejijikan kalian itulah yang membuat hari-hari gw berwarna. Kebegoan dan kehinaan kalian yang mewarnai ulang tahun2 gw selama beberapa tahun terakhir.  Gw seneng banget atas perhatian kalian untuk merayakan setiap ultah gw, walaopun ultah kalian ga selalu dirayakan, maklum gw seneng bikin surprise, cm gw males arrange. Wkwkwk! Tapi surprise gw selalu berhasil menyentuh hati para wanita2 sampai menangis terharu loh.. Hohohooo

Okelah sekian posting malam ini, once again,
Thank you for made my day :D 
Forever Friends

Friday, 7 September 2012

My grandma always proudly says that she really likes Chinese story,idiom, and even song. "It really contains a good message that u will never find in Indonesian book/story/song," she said.
Well, she is a fanatic lover of Chinese and I have complaining to her many times coz this. However sometime I get myself agree with her idea. "Look, Indonesian people like to teach the children with their stupid words, such as 'Ini ibu', 'Ini ubi', and 'Ini ibu Susi"--for God's sake, who cares about that," once she ever complained.
I usually have a different point of view for many aspects in this world with her, but for this time, i'm surprising find that i have a same point of view eventually. Lol.

I have read some short passage in Chinese from my student books, and I really really like it. So let me share some of the moral-message or quotes that i found from 新HSK 5--however I suggest you to read it by yourself if u have the book and allow to read Chinese, it tastes different, certainly.

-Opportunities in life will not come a lot of times, take every opportunity as the last chance, then you will not always wait for the next opportunity.-

-In fact, mostly of us ever experienced this, because the lack of understanding of their own abilities, we make a lot of bad-decisions. Whereas, we shouldn't need to passed a lot of unnecessary suffering.-

-If you eat an egg and feel it is good, Is it important for you to recognize the hen that lays the egg?-

 -Someone ever held a research, why when the opportunity comes, we can not grasp it. The answer is: because opportunity is always change be a 'trouble' form.-

“很多人在该做自己的事情的时候,却超过了自己 应该负责的职责。本来自己只要做一些小事情就好了,却偏偏想到许多离自己职责很远的事情。“

(I don't know my translation for the qoutes are right or not, actually. I feel like have a tornado in my brain now, translate sentences from Chinese to English is a damn shit, seriously. I haven't reach the level, Lol..
and I give up to translate the last quote. I have tried to arrange the sentence, but i still can't get the pattern of sentence as I wish. So maybe next time.. Hahah.)

Thing i get from Chinese is, it is so damn cool to write something in Chinese--with their carving words, waw. But I don't like every Chinese written (novel, story, passage, whatever), it has a lot of wasting words or wasting descriptions i think. They spend almost a paragraph to describe just a character / a thing / a location / a short event.
After all, I still think English is more more more more-cooler than Chinese. Hahaha..

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Share Love

I'm swear i'm not getting jealous for anything..
Well, maybe.. Yeah, a bit..

"I love the people who ignore me, I ignore the people who love me. It's life"
Friend, it's not just a simple word itself. It has an numerous meaning for each person, and for me.. It is everything. I'm a very-welcome person that really care for every little thing u done for me. The good one and the bad one.
Do something that really touched me, and I will really loving u like my brother-sister.
Do something that really hurt me, and I will so hard to forgive and believe you like the old.

It is so pathetic to know that how many people are wasting a big love that shared by the sincere people around us. How many people that keep hurting the sincere people's heart, by the small thing or even the big thing, the unconscious or even the conscious one.

Sharing Love
I do really love one part of Indonesian song from Tangga--Terbaik Untukmu
"Maafkanlah bila ku selalu membuatmu marah dan benci padaku. Kulakukan itu semua, hanya untuk buatmu bahagia.
Mungkin ku cuma tak bisa pahami bagaimana cara tunjukkan maksudku. Aku cuma ingin jadi, yang terbaik untukmu"
I, when I counted u as my best one, i will give u the best. I try to put myself in your shoes and considering the best for u. However sometime I get myself egoist, I get myself can't express or explain the reason why I really force u to do something or not to do something. And people think I'm too strict, however I don't think so.

Sometime I'm wondering my self, why I should be so nosy with other's problem. Why I must really care of them, although they even don't really care for mine. I forgive easily for a small things and wish someday they will care me like i do. And what I get, I find they are giving me a small part and give the other friends a big part. I'm swear i'm not getting jealous for anything or anyone. Well, maybe.. Yeah, a bit.. A kind of jealous-disappoint-sick-mad?

Sometime we don't realize we have already hurt other's heart. We give our love for the one who ignore us, and we ignore the one who really love us. Stupid and so ironic.. 
So from now go on, lets share our love for everyone around us without exception. Loving sharing :)