Welcome back Reina! :)
yeah after a long time no write, now officially i make my blogger active again. :D
well em maybe because i just read almost whole biography of Taylor Swift
and i really admiring she now.
she is one of the perfect person and i envy her. ><
first, look for her appearances

you see.. white, western, blonde, pretty, tall and thin
then we see for her personality and talent
she is talented, and no one doubt 'bout it
she is a singer, song-writer, actress, model
she can play piano and guitar
and maybe the other--i dont know it--
she won a dozen awards, and maybe all the people around the world know this
when she got the grammy award, and she wanted to had a speech
suddenly Kanye West came and took her microphone
then said that beyonce was better
and Swift's speech was stop at the moment
and i'm sure it must so embarrassing
but at last West apologized to her on his blog
and she forgiven him!
--well we don't know if she really forgiven him,
but she didn't make a longer fight, right?--
and if you read Swift's songs that she wrote by herself
i really love her writing
she really has a perfect taste on writing and makes it be
a good composition of melody
and once again, i really envy with her
and LOVE her so much, in the same time..
and for now, she is my role model :D
i recommend you to watch the MV of -Mine- by Swift
she is really pretty at the opening
and the main point is,
this MV is really touching
i don't know why
but i feel very touched when watched it
maybe because it shows almost whole story of love life of human
from the sweet-bitter-and everlasting love
hahahahah :D